Wednesday, January 03, 2007

the definitive solution for browser shortcuts

YubNub able to accept hundreds of commands without adding any key before. The interface resemble that found in standard bash command line; for instance there're commands like "ls" returning a list of commands and "man" to call manual pages searchable with ease through embedded searching feature. mainly YubNub should be employed this way: say to make a currency conversion, so first of all I had simply to type in in the address bar a query (in this case 'currency conversion' should be ok), after the 'ls' (list commands) operator. Then the results show up and, let's say, I pick out a command called 'xe', now I need to look at the synopsis to figure out how input data, so type 'man xe'. As I understand how the command work, it's time to make a regexp to query: in this case 'xe' make currency conversion as needed and data must be input in this pattern; xe -amount 10 -from USD -to EUR. It looks like working on a linux bash shell but online. Anyway whenever we need social bookmark to get synched across a bunch of computer why not do the same for shortcuts? Plus the online platform make possible for developer to create and update new extensions while the already set up hotkeys are so comprehensive that most useful commands are ready to be deployed. Moreover people have built a lot of extensions for desktop OS, considering always multi platforms issues when coding. concluding it's even a trusted source of reference sites and search engines. The only complain is a lack of management for all the commands that sometimes looks just like clones of the same command or simply link to a personale page, of course

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