the black jack game
im gonna upload a tutorial with all planning and brief well organized into some html pages, plus a section with source code and executables
Tag: c plus plus
im gonna upload a tutorial with all planning and brief well organized into some html pages, plus a section with source code and executables
ok, first of all, need to install an smtp server as service and Microsoft embed this tool in the "Internet information service" packages which is simply intalled through "Add/remove programs" panel -> Add windows components(on the left bar). Then get through set the SMTP server up for granted IP addresses SMTP server set up How to's
Ok now u have the SMTP running and able to get connected only by the local machine(the safer set up).
Here we need a tool to encode email messages with MIME type attachments(i want to send a jpeg with the email) and then a tool that actually carry off the email to the default address( using the SMTP server running on my machine.mpack & bmail -command line tool for DOS-
Assuming to have already Cropper installed(screen capture util), we have to write a batch file called with a keyboard shortcut to automate the whole thingBatch files FAQ
i'll put down the batch very soon to carry out this thread!
Guarda ti giuro se non c'erano i giocatori della Juve che mi aiutavano io non so come finiva
When splits code in multiple files organized by headers, u need to pass the implementation file to the compiler just before the source file storing the 'main' entry point. Assuming sample.cpp the implementation file, sample_app.cpp the entry point file, the command to pass comes:
g++ sample.cpp sample_app.cpp -o sample