- Sell my desktop, therefore replace it with new hardware for me(budget->350+400=750)
- find out a used or new desktop either mac or win affordable for my uncle(up to 500)
<a href="http://technorati.com/tag/%5Btagname%5D" rel="tag">[tagname]<a/>
<a href="http://apple.com/ipod" rel="tag">iPod</a>
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity" rel="tag">Gravity</a>
<a href="http://flickr.com/photos/tags/chihuahua" rel="tag">Chihuahua</a>
(02:08-4/15/06) I FIND OUT WHY I CANNOT GET FLASHOUT WORKS, CAUSE I NEED TO UPDATE JAVA FROM 1.4 TO 1.5 THEN browsing on flashout website I found a video tutorial about setting up the whole thing
(10:34-4/15/06) i checked the java Virtual Machine(VM) installed and the software development kit included(SDK) and all of them meet the requirements to make FlashOUt working out well but it's not going so. therefore i think of reinstall the whole eclipseIDE which has been installed without the needed care, considering the actual circumstances.
(16:12-4/14/06)Finally i compiled ActionScript code under linux without ever touch flashIDE i passed this command to mtasc where the "'main" flag seem to be cause of success this way:
mtasc test.as -swf /home/rah/workspace/FlashOS/build/test.swf -cp /usr/local/bin/MTasc/std -main
note: "-swf" flag- test.swf is a compiled flash file of your choice used by MTASC to "frame" the class "-cp" flag- class path means path to standard core macromedia classes(choose std or std8 for flashMX or Flash8 respectively) "-main" flag- will automaticaly call static function main once all classes are registered.
I copy the test.as actionscript code as future reference and for its simplicity as example:
* @author rah:test.as */
test {
private var scopeRef:MovieClip;
scopeRef = scope;
scopeRef.tf.text = "Hello world!!"; }
static function main(){
var test:test = new test(_root); }
(13:15-4/13/06)working with a free open source flash IDE seems to need enough skills to take over the whole workflow the most important thing is a working flash compiler apart from anything else, therefore im gonna fix this right now
The maximum buffer sizes for all sockets can be set with /proc variables:
/proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max - maximum receive window
/proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max - maximum send window
These determine the maximum acceptable values for SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF
(arguments to setsockopt() system call). The kernel sets the actual memory
limit to twice the requested value (effectively doubling rmem_max and
wmem_max) to provide for sufficient memory overhead.
The per connections memory space defaults are set with two 3 element arrays:
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem - memory reserved for TCP rcv buffers
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem - memory reserved for TCP snd buffers
These are arrays of three values: minimum, default and maximum that are used to
bound autotuning and balance memory usage while under global memory stress.
The following values would be reasonable for path with a 4MB BDP (You
must be root):
echo 2500000 /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max
echo 2500000 /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max
echo "4096 5000000 5000000" /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem
echo "4096 65536 5000000" /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem
All Linux 2.4 and 2.6 versions include sender side autotuning, so the actual
sending socket buffer (wmem value)
will be dynamically updated for each connection.
You can check to see if receiver side autotuning is present an enabled by
looking at the file:
If it is present and enabled (value 1) the receiver socket buffer size (rmem value) will be
dynamically updated for each connection. If it is not present
you may want to get a newer kernel. Generally autotuning should not be
disabled unless there is a specific need, e.g. comparison studies of TCP
If you do not have autotuning (Linux 2.4 before 2.4.27 or 2.6 before 2.6.7) you may
want to set the default tcp_rmem value (the middle value) to a more
accurate estimate of the actual path BDP, to minimize possible interactions with
other applications.
Do not adjust tcp_mem unless you know exactly what
you are doing. This array determines how the system balances the total network
memory usage against other memory usage, such as disk buffers. It is
initialized at boot time to appropriate fractions of total system memory.
Orari degli uffici per ritirare la tessera elettorale.
Chi non ha ancora provveduto a ritirare la tessera elettorale o l'ha
smarrita potrà recarsi al Salone Anagrafe di via Larga 12 nei seguenti
E’ anche possibile rivolgersi alle Delegazioni Anagrafiche Decentrate.
Non è invece possibile fare riferimento, come in passato, all’Ufficio
Elettorale di corso di Porta Romana 10, attualmente sottoposto a
interventi di ristrutturazione.
Coloro che intendono ritirare le tessere elettorali
di altre persone (anche non parenti) devono presentare copia dei
documenti di identità degli interessati (passaporto, carta di identità
o patente).
internal: port = 1080
method: none
user.privileged: root
user.notprivileged: rah
logoutput: stderr
## client access rules
client pass {
from: to:
log: connect disconnect
## server operation access rules
#allow bind to ports greater than 1023
#pass {
# from: to: port gt 1023
# command: bind
# log: connect disconnect
#allow outgoing connections (tcp and udp)
pass {
from: to:
command: connect udpassociate
log: connect disconnect
#allow replies to bind, and incoming udp packets
#pass {
# from: to:
# command: bindreply udpreply
# log: connect error
#log the rest
#block {
# from: to:
# log: connect error
tar -cvpSf - * | split -db 4m - test.tar.r
AAAAArrrrrggghhhhh what a mess!!! I've got just a couple of places where starting looking up, therefore i'm to do without moving so much and perhaps i may look around in the best online stores such as pumpedhardware (my favourite)and in the malls in the nearby.
that's just a sorting list about every interesting stuff cought from the wide web or a deposit where put down broad thoughts and anything useful to call up.
It a daily service point too,that is,things and posts like 'ToDo' lists and so on...as shopping-list, queries,paperwork memo and homework memo.
ALL stuff that I must never forget to do/carry out!!!!!!